Sunday 16 December 2012

Emirat Air Lines - Hot Air Balloon Flights - Feel the Excitement

These are known as Kongming lanterns and can be called the ancestors of the present day hot air balloons. It was in ancient China that people tried to send up unmanned balloons as a part of their culture. Even that was not the first flight in a hot air balloon. There was the hot air balloon flight that happened more than a century before that in 1783 by the Montgolfier brothers, the truth is if Wright brothers' flight happened in 1903, however. Most people give the credit to the Wright brothers for making that dream come true. To fly up high in the air has been a dream that man always cherished.

Hot air balloon flights are becoming extremely popular, whether as a part of an abroad vacation or a different and unique proposal. Enjoy hot air balloon flights, men and women alike, young and old, now people. If those early flights were for military purposes to send across messages the balloon flights of today are meant for fun and excitement.

As the balloon goes up you see the changing scenery below and it could be breathtaking. You let go of the rope that ties the balloon to the earth and move up to the sky and start gliding across and the feeling is almost like cutting off all the ties and troubles that you have in your daily life. The exhilaration that starts building up inside you can never be paralleled with anything else, when you enter into the carriage and the balloon starts moving.

You hardly notice when the journey is over, taking in this astounding picture around you. Can be quite an experience and you feel that your own countryside is so different from what you thought it was, sometimes your own native, this aerial view of the ground. And the excitement continues as you drift across and see each part of the ground changing.

A proposal that both the couple would always cherish and proudly share with their children and grandchildren, it is also an outstanding way to propose to your loved one. Hot air balloon flights are an ideal gift for an anniversary or a birthday which the recipients would never forget.

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